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Additionally, you can remove your comments ( any time you want). For example, you might want to delete comments with more than two links included in them (blog comment spam), comments with profanity, or comments that attack another reader.


Homecrux has not reviewed all the sites that link to it, and it is beyond our control to be responsible for what is portrayed regarding the products and services on other websites. We don’t warrant, represent, authorize or endorse any other website in any way and use of any such website will be at your own risk.

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The information, products and services that we provide on Homecrux are completely opinion-based and we make it a point to provide the most accurate, updated and unbiased content. We make no representation to the accuracy, validity, loss, injury or damage incurred due to the use of any products or services. It is the sole responsibility of the user to interpret the information and use it at his/her own risk, and we won’t be liable for any such occurrences.

Additionally, we do not sell the products we feature. We feature products we think our readers will want to know and read about. We are a website that requires compensation to operate like all other websites on the internet, which we may receive through advertising, sponsorships and by participating in the affiliate marketing program of various retail/crowdfunding websites. Yet, we are totally unbiased in our reporting and do not accept paid or fake reviews claiming to suggest something that is not true.

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