Sometimes you see homes and wonder, what on earth they were thinking. To get around this, many people get their home custom built. After all, while it’s the dream of so many people to own their home, it always pays-off if people build their own, bespoke house with everything as they want it to be. Be warned though, if you are going down the route of building your own home. You don’t want to end up being dissatisfied with the end result. 

Here, we’ve outlined some of the possible mistakes that you can commit, and how to avoid them. So read on to find out how to get the home of your dreams, minus the nightmares.

1. Know what you want from your home before you begin

Have you watched that episode of ‘Grand Designs,’ where a couple kept chopping and changing what they wanted from their home? As a result, when the job was done, they had a couple of rooms on the top floors which were only fit for hobbits to walk around in. If you know what you want (the kind of rooms, floor plan or walls) you won’t be messing with the build.

After all, there’s literally infinite choice available to you and this can sometimes be overwhelming. You don’t want to be building a new home and then regret the options you took. So it’s best to have a firm idea before you get started.

2. Know who you’re hiring to do the build

It basically goes without saying, you need to get licensed contractors and professionals who can do the work for you. Ensure that they’re insured and do get some references for your work, lest you suffer the sadness of having a builder who leaves halfway through a job.

3. Don’t overreach

While you might be craving a big house for your family, think about the longterm plans. You don’t want to build a home just to have it downsized/upgraded in just five or ten years down the line. A larger house equals a larger amount of housework, and it’s also more expensive to build.

4. Consider the resale value when you’re building

Even if you never plan on selling your home in your lifetime, someday someone (probably someone in your family) will want to sell the house and you need to think about it. While you can build your dream home, it needs to be a dream home for someone else too.

5. Don’t over budget on the mortgage

You can always add more onto your home, so you don’t have to stretch too far initially. Just keep the budget and the repayments within your limits and you’ll be fine.

6. Check the work often

The build of the house needs to be something that you’re completely across. Visit the site, ask questions and make some noise if you’re not happy. You’re building the house of your dreams for a reason – so if you see something you don’t like – say something! Refer to point one for more advice on how to deal with large changes.

7. Stay grounded

You need to remember that this is a potentially stressful time, and it’s important to stay grounded so you don’t get stressed out. It’s going to be hard at times but ultimately – it’s worth it.

Hopefully, you’ll manage to find the location for your dream home and build the one you always wished for.

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Monika is a young blogger, who likes sharing her opinion about trending consumer products and gadgets. When she is not educating readers with her writings, she’s most likely educating herself by reading her favorite stuff. She also has love for creativity and music.

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