Most people like to keep their home neat and clean. No matter how hard you try to keep your home tidy and clutter-free, there are certain dirty areas in your home that remain neglected. Do you know a layer of germs and dirt are everywhere in your house- from leaves and debris in guttering to your dining table? So, you need to be vigilant as a home-owner to ensure that dirt don’t start to pile up, leaving you with a bigger job than you’d like.

It is much easier to cleanup all corners of your house regularly, instead of saving them all for a big clean in spring. To help you out, we’ve identified a list of some of the dirty areas in your home that you might have forgotten about or neglected.

1. Door handles, walls and lights

Whenever you find tine, take a bucket of sugar soap and go around, scrubbing those areas of the house where hands and fingers often touch. This means walls, banisters, light switches and anything else where we’re constantly using the space. Make sure to get on top of this often-neglected task, to keep all small sections of your home germ-free.

2. Clothes in the washing machine

This is something that we’re all guilty of from time to time – you put on a load of washing and then something comes up and you forget about it. It might sit in there for a day (or even two) but when you find them again, you need to make sure that you rewash them to avoid the risk of growing molds or germs. After all, the damp and potentially warm space is a hotspot for germs.

3. Mobile phones and remote controls

You always have your phone on you, and chances are you’ve never cleaned it. You might even take it everywhere with you – like into toilets or bathrooms. Well, you don’t have to constantly sanitize your phone, but a cheeky wipe down every now and then wouldn’t hurt. This applies to things like keyboards and phones too.

4. Your bathroom

This one basically applies to your whole bathroom, because not only is it totally gross to use a bathroom that hasn’t been cleaned properly, it’s also a health hazard. Sometimes it happens though, that you use your bathroom for ages and forget how long it’s been since you last cleaned it. If you can’t recall the last time you mopped – it’s time to get the cleaning stuff out and go to town.

5. The dining room

You probably don’t use this room all the time, but chances are it’s got some dust or dirt in it that you could wipe and sweep up. You can save this one for the next big clean, because of its infrequent use, but don’t neglect it altogether.

6. Your makeup bag

You’d be disgusted/surprised to find out how much filth lurks on your brushes and in your compacts. If you have makeup in your bag that’s more than a year old you need to ditch it – pronto. It can cause irritation and problems with your skin, not to mention how caked it probably is by now. Save up and then go out and splurge on some new stuff.

7. The bin

This is a pretty obvious one, but you might neglect it because you think that it’s only for housing rubbish anyway. Not true. You need to bleach or disinfect this one pretty frequently.

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Monika is a young blogger, who likes sharing her opinion about trending consumer products and gadgets. When she is not educating readers with her writings, she’s most likely educating herself by reading her favorite stuff. She also has love for creativity and music.

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