Since past three years, designer and engineer Paolo Mastrogiuseppe has been creating handcrafted functional espresso pod brewers, which resemble some the most powerful racing engines in the world. But the latest Aviatore Veloce espresso machine is designed in shape of a prototype military jet engine. This high-end engine shaped machine is able to prepare piping hot espresso and tea using its high-pressure brewing system.

Weighing 61 pounds, the coffee machine is built with the combination of aviation-grade aluminum alloy, stainless steel and aluminum bronze. Although it’s wide design is likely to take lot of space on your kitchen countertop, but the machine is quite user-friendly along with attractive streamlined appearance.

Outer shells of the machine are casted over a metal tool, along with a flat two millimeter alloy plate and features laser-cut in a circular plan. Further the metal parts are pressed against the forming tool, while aluminum alloy is meant to spin with the metal tool. High pressure within the machine is formed by revolutions per minute applied to the spinning plate on to the forming tool. So, metal spinning is the main reason behind high-pressure brewing system.

To use the machine, you simple have to open the back lid, pour in some water, and drop some freshly ground coffee into the filter. After that close the lid machine shut to brew desired coffee in few minutes. You can even choose between small or medium cup of espresso, depending on your taste and strength of brew you prefer.

Aviatore Veloce espresso machine comes in limited numbers, so only few lucky ones will be able to get their hands on this jet engine-shaped coffee brewer. Plus, prices are available only on serious request.

Made from aviation-grade aluminum alloy, stainless steel and aluminum bronze
Laser-cut in a circular plan
Platform to place your coffee mug
User-friendly machine allows you to brew in no time

Via: Luxatic

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Monika is a young blogger, who likes sharing her opinion about trending consumer products and gadgets. When she is not educating readers with her writings, she’s most likely educating herself by reading her favorite stuff. She also has love for creativity and music.

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