Do you ever feel like a mermaid trapped in a human body? Well, transforming yourself into a fictitious sea woman during summer is a fun activity, but this could be difficult to pull off in winter. Luckily, you can wrap up in your childhood fantasy and stay warm at the same time- all thanks to the Crocheted Mermaid Tail blanket by Melanie Campbell.

Instead of being a couch potato, just turn yourself into a couch mermaid with this cozy blanket, which is modeled after fish-like lower of the fictional sea creature. So, dressing up and keeping warm can be done simultaneously in this super soft blanket that’s made from 100-percent acrylic fabric. Moreover, its complex pattern of stitching mimics the multicolored scales on a fish’s body.

This comfy mermaid-like blanket is available on CassJamesDesigns Etsy store in three sizes: child size (length 43-inches and width 35-inches), toddler length (length 34-inches and width 27-inches), and teen/adult (length 51-inches and width 35-inches). This unusual blanket has a big pocket for you to stick your legs into with a wide opening on its top.

It can be pulled up to the waist, or even over the shoulders for the ultimate all-embracing experience. The Crocheted Mermaid Tail blanket certainly combines your imagination with a practical need. It is just perfect for any girl to snuggle up on the couch or bed while feeling like a mermaid princess.

Buy: $110

Mermaid Tail-like blanket is perfect for any girl

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Monika is a young blogger, who likes sharing her opinion about trending consumer products and gadgets. When she is not educating readers with her writings, she’s most likely educating herself by reading her favorite stuff. She also has love for creativity and music.

  1. Hi mikayla,
    I guess you’ve to search for a YouTube tutorial to make this blanket. Or just purchase it from the designer’s Esty store CassJamesDesigns.

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