Most pet furniture and accessories designed for dogs are usually round. Although there’s nothing wrong with the circular shape-as it looks cute, but the problem lies that it doesn’t suit square angles and straight lines within your home interior. This results in lot of wasted space that could be occupied for other storing other furniture pieces as well.

To solve the problem, acclaimed Japanese design studio Nendo has come up with a clever solution in form of square-shaped canine accessories called Cubic Pet Goods. Complementing minimalist home interiors, the lineup is all about space efficiency and perfect for dog owners who like to keep their home neat and tidy. The whole collection includes a cube-shaped dog house, a contoured food bowl, a soft geometric toy, and a punched-out ball.

The plush square dog house comes with a top that can be turned into a comfy bed for your pooch. Square-shaped food bowl features contour lines inside that makes it easy to check how much food or water your dog is consuming. The Tetris-like soft toy can be folded up into a small cube when it’s not in use. Lastly, the ball with square holes is designed for storing kibble, allowing dogs to take out their snacks while playing.

Sadly, the minimalist canine accessories are only available in Japan for right now. This means American dog owners are just out of luck, and we’re not sure when the collection will be available for other parts of the world as well.

Adorable cube-shaped dog house
Cube-shaped dog house is available in various color options
The top portion of the dog house turns into a comfy bed
Square-shaped food bowl
Contour lines inside the bowl help you to find out how much food and water your dog is consuming
Dog playing with Tetris-like soft toy
The toy can be folded into a small cube when not in use
Punched-out ball with square holes
Your dog can playfully take out snacks from the ball

Via: Dezeen

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Monika is a young blogger, who likes sharing her opinion about trending consumer products and gadgets. When she is not educating readers with her writings, she’s most likely educating herself by reading her favorite stuff. She also has love for creativity and music.

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