Weeks back, we covered a beautiful man wine table that has two slots for wine storage on our blog. Now we bring you another gem of design engineering and craftsmanship that has some eco-factor associated with it too. Yes, we are talking about Sunrise Iron, a furniture manufacturer based in the slope of the Wallowa Mountains in northeast Oregon, who has passion for creating one-of-a-kind handcrafted furniture – tables to be precise. The tailored furniture line consists of coffee tables and barrel tables containing trails of history of Oregon and western life.

From the collection, the wagon wheel coffee table is a unique piece of custom-built furniture made out of historic wooden wagon wheel having carved metal designs depicting wildlife scenes. Whereas the wine barrel table is made using historic wine barrels, or a barrel customer provides with a historic wagon wheel tabletop including metal designs featuring grapes or a wildlife scenes.

The tables that haven’t been mass produced will bring an essence of uniqueness and authenticity to your home. As far as price is concerned, the custom made wagon wheel table costs you around $2,495, whereas a wine barrel table at a cool $2,795.

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Yash, born and brought up in the Himalayas, holds a Master's degree in Journalism & Mass Comm. and has experience of over 7 years. He is passionate about finding new and amazing stuff online and spends most of his time exploring the infinite world of internet. He enjoys writing about a wide range of topics, including all things geeky and luxurious. You will find him doing workout or exploring the countryside when he is offline.

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