Can’t getaway yourself from responding to mails and messages on your smartphone, even when you’re on a vacation? There’s one luxury hotel in Germany called Villa Stéphanie that wants the guests to completely escape web world and enjoy pure tranquil vacation, without worrying about work. Each room of the hotel is integrated with internet ‘kill switch’ to totally shut down all wireless signals, so you can relax without interacting with outside world.

Located in the city of Baden-Baden, Germany, the stunning spa resort is installed with copper grids in each room. On activating the internet kill switch, all wireless signals are blocked. This way the guests can have a peaceful stay to unwind themselves. But still the owner figured out that their guests not use the kill switch all the time, in fact they activate it only at some point during their stay.

According to Frank Marrenbach, the CEO of Oetker Collection that runs the Villa Stéphanie,

It is not a sign of smartness to constantly look at incoming messages. Smart is to devote time when it is time to do so.

It’s literally not a good sign to keep checking smartphones throughout the day. Therefore, the luxury German hotel has set a perfect example for hospitality industry to provide absolutely isolated environment for a pacifying stay. So you know exactly where to head for your next vacation, entirely escaping the world.

Each room of the hotel is integrated with internet ‘kill switch’
The kill switch shuts down 96-percent of surrounding Wi-Fi signals

Via: TheVerge

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Monika is a young blogger, who likes sharing her opinion about trending consumer products and gadgets. When she is not educating readers with her writings, she’s most likely educating herself by reading her favorite stuff. She also has love for creativity and music.

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