World is an amazing place, and people are no less than creative. This DIY project proves that fact all right. A team from Keio University, The University of Tokyo have come up with an interesting way to drawn patterns and shapes on your grass. The idea is to make large-scale pictures with elaborate patterns which look absolutely amazing. And all this without the hassle to do it with hand which requires a lot of skill.

The team headed by Yuta Sugiura is currently working on a machine dubbed ‘Grassffiti’ which is even more elaborate and draws large scale patterns without much effort. Coming onto this prototype, the user draws the pattern on compatible app, and then rolls the machine across the grass field to drawn the intended pattern.

Grassffiti has roller device on the bottom having rotary encoder and 16 servomotors fixed with rods which raise the grass surface on the intended points. To make it accurate, a rotary encoder measures the amount of horizontal moment on the grass surface.

The idea seems cool, and already the team has managed to demonstrate this method successfully. Probably they’ll be coming up with a production ready machine which can be used in lawns and other grass surfaces to draw interesting artworks on grass.

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Hailing from the northern region of India, Gaurav has a profound liking for everything upbeat in the cloud and a vision to acquaint readers with smart home decor trends. He likes to observe nature, write thought-provoking quotes, travel new places and drive cars. His creative food for thought comes from the ambient music scores he listens to.

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