Hot drinks industry is one of the fast-growing businesses in present scenario. But the joy of having a hot coffee/drink can be easily ruined by unwanted scalds. To help us know when the drink is hot enough to burn, or to suggest when a hot beverage can be consumed, Australia-based food service packaging development and manufacturing company has worked on the idea to improve one’s coffee sipping experience by making a heat sensitive Smart Lid that indicates by changing its color when your coffee is too hot to be consumed. Made using 100% recyclable thermochromic plastic, the disposable brown lid turns bright red once applied on cup containing hot (above 118oF/48oC) drink. The lid restores its original color as temperature drops indicating the beverage is ready to be sipped.  

The Smart Lid is already in production in Australia and is selling like hot cakes. Now, the manufacturer is planning to bring it to other markets of the world, hence has initiated a crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo. The project has raised $3,552 of $8,000 goal so far. We got an opportunity to interact with Anthony Bayss, Director of Smart Lid Systems, who gave a more insightful view of his innovative project which is helping save millions of elderly, children and adults from accidents and spillages. Here is what he had to say:

HomeCrux: Please tell us something about yourself? How did your journey with the Smart Lid begin?

Anthony Bayss: The Smart Lid journey was born 12 years ago when a father and two sons wanted to reinvent how all daily coffee drinkers enjoyed their hot beverage. We owned and operated local cafes in Sydney, Australia, and wished to offer customers a coffee lid that warned of the hot contents. This dream ignited the passion for a better designed coffee lid, one that turned bright red as heat was applied, and one which returned to the ‘cold’ color as your drink cooled.

Everyone we spoke to in the industry said we were trying to design a product that was technically not possible. After 12 years of research, we have gone through countless prototypes to perfect a set of ‘cold’ and ‘hot’ colors that make all coffee drinkers say ‘WOW’, we have the technical and production backing of Australia’s largest coffee lid manufacturer, we have received direct food-contact compliance, we have Granted patents, and along the way we have won 8 international awards for innovation and design.

HomeCrux: The Smart Lid is already in production in Australia. What is the price of a unit and how is the response?

Anthony Bayss: The Smart Lid is currently being sold direct to cafes in Australia. 1000X8oz Smart Lids are AUD$49.95. 1000X12oz Smart Lid are AUD$64.95. Smart Lid Home Pack is AUD$39.95.

HomeCrux: You say the Smart Lid is a disposable beverage lid. Is the material used environmentally-friendly?

Anthony Bayss: Yes, the lid Carries a Recycle ‘6’ Symbol, thus is recyclable; is also Bisphenol A (BPA) Free; and CFC Free.

HomeCrux: Why a disposable thermoplastic product, not a lid that lasts for years?

Anthony Bayss: The lid comes in contact with your mouth so bacteria have a higher propensity to accumulate on the lid; the most sanitary option is to dispose of it. We wanted a product that could be used by both cafes and the home user. The specialty plastic is extremely expensive, thus a reusable plastic lid would be much more expensive, and currently the production techniques to make the Smart Lid do not allow for thick plastic extrusion.

HomeCrux: You have raised US$ 2,657 so far on Indiegogo campaign. What are your expectations from the campaign? What if the funding fails to meet $8,000 goal?

Anthony Bayss: Obviously reaching our goal is our primary expectation. If the funding is not met we will still ship all ordered items. The success of the project cannot be judged solely by meeting the funding goal. In the past week we have received distribution enquirers from all over the world and there is still 39 days to go.

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Yash, born and brought up in the Himalayas, holds a Master's degree in Journalism & Mass Comm. and has experience of over 7 years. He is passionate about finding new and amazing stuff online and spends most of his time exploring the infinite world of internet. He enjoys writing about a wide range of topics, including all things geeky and luxurious. You will find him doing workout or exploring the countryside when he is offline.

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