The holidays are a busy time for hosting guests, and it always pays off to spend some time preparing yourself for some overnight visitor. Instead of struggling to get everything ready by the last minute, take some proactive measures to get ahead and avoid stress. A little preparation can go a long way in making your guests more comfortable and you less panicked. Here are guest room ideas for getting your house ready for visitors.

# Prepare the guest bedroom

The guest room is sometimes an area stocked with forgotten furniture and less-liked decor, which does not help in making it comfortable and desirable to stay in. Start with the bed; if the mattress is old, consider replacing it with something new and comfortable.

Be sure to have fresh linens ready to help your guests get a good night’s sleep. Leave a few empty drawers in the dresser and hangers in the closet, so they can unpack and feel at home. If possible, have a fan and humidifier accessible to suit anyone’s needs.

# Create a local guide

If you will not always be with your guests, it is helpful to create a guide for your city. Type up a list of your favorite restaurants highlighting your go-to meals. Make a list of your favorite attractions or places to visit in the area with notes on what they are and why you enjoy them. Pick up a few maps from your local tourism board so guests can get a feel for the area, and include the best modes of transportation to get to each.

Image: Empowermented

# Arrange delicious meals

Cooking for more people than you are used to can be stressful and time-consuming. Thankfully, there are plenty of meals that you can prepare and freeze ahead of time. In general, it’s a good idea to make sure the kitchen is stocked with condiments and food items such as bread, milk, cereal and snacks so that guests can grab what they need without feeling like they are bothering you. Coffee and tea are also great to have in the house at all times, even for people who aren’t spending the night.

Image: Cloudinary

# Start a cleaning schedule

Instead of frantically cleaning your home at the last minute, create a cleaning schedule that spreads out chores over days, weeks and months. For example, designate Mondays for cleaning toilets, Tuesdays for dusting your living room, every other week for tending to the yard and so on.

It may seem annoying to have to devote time to cleaning each day, but it will simplify the process when you’re expecting the company, and it’ll keep your home in better shape in general.

Image: The Spruce

# Provide entertainment

While your guests will likely be satisfied with your company and plans around your hometown, there will always be some needed downtime. Purchase a few books and magazines that you can leave around your home for guests to read. Also, provide television with access to a streaming service or cable, so they can unwind with some shows or movies.

Tip: Type up directions on how to navigate your remote and connect to your Wi-Fi so they can get set up on their own.

Image: Hotelier

# Stock the bathroom

Nobody really likes to talk about happens in the bathroom, but it’s a room that requires a lot of attention. Be sure to have plenty of extra towels and washcloths available so guests can use as few or as many as they please. While you have shampoo, conditioner, soap, etc. that guests can borrow, it’s also a good idea to pick up travel-sized toiletries.

For example, if you stay at a hotel, don’t be afraid to pick up the extra lotion or a small pack of cotton swabs to take home. Or head to the travel section of your local drugstore to find other small bottles of mouthwash, face wash and more. And don’t forget to leave a can or two of air freshener in there.

Image: iVigor

#Add touches of home

Whether your guest is a family member or best friend, one is usually uncomfortable staying in a new place. Following all these steps will create a welcoming and hassle-free experience, but don’t forget to add the finishing touches. Pick up some fresh flowers before your guests arrive to make the rooms look brighter and more welcoming.

Grab a nightlight and a sound machine to put in the bedroom in case they prefer these comforts. Open some windows to let in the fresh air, and open the blinds to let in the sunshine. These small touches will make everyone more comfortable.

Image: Ritz Carlton

Even if you don’t have anyone planning to visit you in the foreseeable future, it’s a good idea to be prepared for overnight guests.

There are some small things you can do that require little time to be ready throughout the year and will save you a lot of time and stress in the long run. Take the initiative now and your guests will be thanking you later.

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Hailing from the northern region of India, Gaurav has a profound liking for everything upbeat in the cloud and a vision to acquaint readers with smart home decor trends. He likes to observe nature, write thought-provoking quotes, travel new places and drive cars. His creative food for thought comes from the ambient music scores he listens to.

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