Humans have been building their ideal homes with natural and easily available materials for ages now. Striking a balance and harmony with Mother Nature is the way towards sustainable development. Domegaia, is here to show us just that! Built with half the actual cost, founders Joel and Ella are committed to introducing several ingenious ways of letting you build your dream house.
Challenges in finding the right building material caused Joel to go on a quest to hunt for the most suitable one. That is when Aircrete, a natural fit to build low-cost and high-quality tiny houses was invented. Aircrete is a simple mixture of cement and water-based foam (dishwasher liquid), that hardens and provides ease to work around with, while building.
The ‘forgiving material-Aircrete’ is known to be fire-proof, strengthens with time, and also floats. Serving dual purposes, it poses as a structural product offering insulation value to the overall build. The prepared mixture is then cured into brick shapes through a mold.
Domegaia, a tiny house startup has been keeping up with the demand of educating and collaborating with people around the world to build beautiful tiny houses. Its niche caters to building several dome-shaped tiny houses with exceptional designs and tools that too on a budget.
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Pioneered in constructing dome-shaped tiny houses, the team at Domegaia believes in imagination and methods to manifest them as a reality. Rightly termed as an affordable and ‘easy to make’ building material, Aircrete is seen to work well in all weather conditions.
Being lightweight and easily malleable allows Aircrete to be shaped in various shapes using basic tools. By building an online community, Domegaia has an added advantage to themselves as compared to other tiny home manufacturers. Fostering well under the leadership of its designers, the community helps people to learn and build their own dream homes. You can jump right away to their official website for more information.

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