Travelling is fun always and what adds more joy to it, is moving in your own campervan. While there are many perks of being on the road, there are some disadvantages too. Mobile homes are generally compact, which means there is a very little living as well as storage space inside. Every mobile home includes cupboards that can store multiple items from glassware items to other nitty-gritty essentials but they may create problems while on the road.
With bad terrain and a jostling vehicle, glassware and other utensils keep on constantly clanking and even leads to breakage at times. Modern problems require modern solutions and to avoid these set of circumstances, German manufacturer Froli has introduced a modular all-purpose holder, especially aimed for people living in tiny house on wheels or travel trailers. The holder not only stops glassware items from clanking but also prevents them from breaking while on the transit.
As noted by Core77, the Froli is an all-purpose holder that consists of a series of honeycomb pieces made from 95-percent bio-based plastic that is 100-percent recyclable as well. The kit includes 16 such pieces, with an adjustable diameter from 58mm to 89mm.
All these pieces can be joined together by inserting the toothed tabs into the slots of their companion. Whether its glasses, coffee mugs, bottles or cutlery, the Froli all-purpose holder keeps your kitchen utensils intact that would have otherwise slipped or rattled. The honeycomb pieces can also be stacked over each other to accommodate taller items like water bottles. Costing about €25 ($26), this all-purpose holder can be availed from the official website of Froli.
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In case you are worried about the protruding tabs of the holder fitting inside storage unit of your tiny house, don’t worry. The tabs can easily be snapped off, allowing the holder to easily fit in almost all cupboards and drawers. Furthermore, plates can also secured with a Plate Clamp that screws into the wall.

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