Spending time outdoors is a quintessential pastime of people all around the world. Whether you head away for weeks at a time to camp out, spend a day in the park with a packed picnic or even just relax in your backyard there’s nothing quite like chilling outside, as long as there’s some sunshine to warm your back and some great people to spend the time with.

Camping isn’t practical or possible for everyone, and sometimes a trip to the park is just too difficult to manage – so that leaves your backyard. But what if you have a small yard? That doesn’t mean that you can’t make the most of it, in fact, there are heaps of ways you can spruce up a small outdoor space. Let’s take a look at some of them.

Outdoor Settings

Any outdoor living space needs a setting – somewhere that you and your guests can sit, relax and enjoy a nice cup of tea or glass of wine on an evening. While you may not have room for a full-length table and a stack of chairs you could opt for a small, round table with two or three chairs – enough to sit yourself and a guest or two comfortably. Decorate the table with potted plants as a centerpiece, and your setting will shout style and sophistication. The trick is to stick to small pieces as large furniture items can quickly crowd a small space.

Image: Pinterest
Image: Lazy Susan Furniture
Image: Feather & Twigs
Image: The Garden Builders

Also Read: Backyard Remodeling Ideas To Liven Up Your Home

Window Dressings

You may think that blinds and curtains are only for indoor windows! Well, sometimes but not often. Outdoor blinds can be a great way to spruce up a small backyard, providing something gorgeous to look at on your back windows. They can transform an otherwise drab and dull space into a vibrant backdrop for your yard, provided that you choose the right color. Here’s a tip – if you have lots of greenery in your yard, choose a shade of green that will complement your plants. Or, opt to contrast and choose magenta – the perfect companion for green tones.

Image: Pinterest
Image: Pinterest

Green Thumb Tips

Do you have a green thumb that’s keen to dig, weed and plant? But maybe you’re feeling restricted by the limited space available in your small courtyard or backyard. Don’t worry, because there’s a solution to this. If you’re dealing with a lack of garden beds, get creative with pots and planters. There are many recycling options like old cups, jars, tires, shoes, etc. You can even mount several containers up against a wall to create a vibrant jungle wall of blooms and blossoms. Check out the tutorial to make a vertical garden from wood pallets.

Instead of a vegetable patch, grow your food plants in pots. Herbs do well in containers, as do tomatoes, cucumber, and chilies.

Image: Rosina Huber
Image: Lemon Bean & Things
Image: Love & Renovations
Image: Pinterest
Image: colorful crafts
Image: Pinterest

Water Features

Another way to make a little yard pop is by installing a water feature as a focal point. Now, we’re not talking about a large koi pond as this just isn’t practical. Instead, opt for a small bubbling fountain that will provide both a pleasing visual touch and the soothing sound of running water – the perfect ambiance for a backyard.

Image: Pottery World
Image: Campania International
Image: The Family Handyman
Image: Blue Thumb Ponds
Image: Eye of the Day
Image: the pot company

A Tidy Conclusion

Own a small yard – it can still become an oasis of enjoyment, with a few tricks. First, invest in some outdoor blinds to decorate your windows, and try to complement the green tones of your garden. Next, create a small outdoor setting, so you have somewhere to sit and relax. You can still cultivate a thriving garden in a small space; just seek for some creative ideas. Finally, a little water feature can make a brilliant focal point and is the finishing touch. Enjoy your newly created space!

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A budding blogger, with deep interest in the field of content, web research, and SEO. Other than reading latest content marketing and technology trends, he likes Hindi Indie rock music, travelling and exploring cultures.

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