iKamper had successfully crowd-funded the much-hyped Skycamp rooftop tents earlier this year, and once again they are back with another innovative outdoor gear named EatOut, a portable kitchen system designed especially for outdoors. From gas stove and utensil rack to mini tables and lights, this all-in-one box houses everything you would probably need to prepare a perfect meal on a picnic or camping trip.
All tables are made of furniture grade birch plywood finished in UV coating and oil, while the main storage and stove areas are made in aluminum with a powder coated finish. They are easy to clean and can serve you for a long. As you fold out the iKamper EatOut camp kitchen, you are provided with a lot of counter space to cook or have your favorite food. There is also sufficient space to store dishes, utensils, cookware, and even groceries.
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There are two butane gas stoves with integrated wind guards to work in different types of weather conditions. If wish to have a have a light source for easy cooking in night, they are also offering a smartphone-controlled, IP66 certified LED lantern with telescopic stand. This lamp comes with a magnetic base so it can also be hanged to metal surfaces. There is even an option for a removable soft cooler that packs inside the main storage box along with other things. Moving it around it also super easy – you just need to pull up the telescopic aluminum alloy handle to easily roll it over the rubber wheels just like a strolley bag.
The EatOut mobile kitchen is available in two sizes: the Expedition version has about 51-liters capacity, while the smaller Excursion model has 37-liters storage capacity. Available in a variety of colors, both versions of the iKamper EatOut portable outdoor kitchen need minimum floor space, but can fold-out to provide sufficient space for a convenient outdoor cooking experience. Currently, it is raising funds at Kickstarter, so you can pre-order the EatOut Excursion for about US$185 and the EatOut Expedition for US$199 right now.
Though we have featured a few portable outdoor kitchens before, this one is really compact, elegant, and worthy addition in anyone’s camping list.

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