In Japan, carving intricate patterns on fruits and vegetables is known as Mukimono, and it is seen as a key element in presentation of the meal. The appealing designs are inspiring enough for people to eat their vegetables without any hesitation. When our veggies are visually pleasing, no one refuses to eat them. If you are not convinced with the thought, then take the recent example of Instagram user Gaku who carves stunning patterns on different fruits and turn them into stunning food art. He makes nice use of his knife carving skills to create amazing textures on several things including broccoli, radish, apple and bananas.
Food carving is not an easy task, as finding exact dimensions for patterns eats more of your time if you ever try making one. A little mistake ruins the entire work, and then you need to start from scratch. Moreover, carving process must be completed before the color of fruit or vegetable fades due to oxidation. If you are thinking to carve one by yourself, you’ll need to do a lot of practice. You can start carving from bananas, as they are affordable and easy to carve.
After seeing the creative work of Gaku, it is clear that this Japanese artist has practiced the tradition a lot, and now he creates finessed food art.

Via: Spoon-Tamago
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