Japanese designer Michiru Tanaka has partnered with Kaneka OLED, an offshoot of chemical manufacturer Kaneka to create Kumiko, a modular stainless steel tile system that performs double duty as OLED lighting fixture and a reflective mirror surface when not in use. These OLED wall tiles can be combined into a variety of architectural designs and cityscapes.
Kumiko OLED tiles illuminate the space with diffused light, and as they are out of power, they immediately transform into a reflective mirror surface. With precision color consistency and eco-friendly features, these 1mm thin panels emit minimal infrared rays and no ultraviolet rays, while producing a larger spectrum of white OLED.
Every tile comes with magnetic back which allows users arranging them easily as per personal preferences and creativity. The ultra-thin construction of Kumiko tiles makes it easy to mount them on walls to stylishly lighten up any space. Just like Bang & Olufsen’s BeoSound Shape speaker, these illuminating tiles also functions as wall art. You can build them into beautiful patterns and cityscapes.
As part of its domestic launch, Tanaka has used Kumiko tiles to design a site-specific “mirror-maze” installation at Manhattan-based Great Jones Studio in collaboration with architect Thomas Kosbau of ORE Design + Technology. Her works nicely represent her vision to establish a symbiotic relationship between architecture and lighting.

Via: ArchDaily
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