Bird feeder is the best way to help feed local wildlife, but squirrels and critters are the ones who love to visit feeders hanging in the garden to steal seeds. To outsmart unwanted critters, North River-based Randy Goodwin has created a horizontal bird feeder that makes it impossible for muggers to steal the seed.
Made from PVC piping and aviation cables, the horizontal feeder gives access to small birds from both ends while making it difficult for squirrels and unwanted critters to enter it. Imagined some 10 years back while volunteering with Ducks Unlimited, Goodwin saw something similar nailed at a side of the building, from where he got the idea for his creation.
While searching online for something similar, Goodwin realized that the internet world is filled with vertical feeders, but nobody has created even a single horizontal feeder. Motivated to build something unique, Goodwin started working on the small project.
His design works on a simple concept – a hollow PVC cutout tied to tree branch offers an easy entry for birds from both sides, while highly unstable structure make it difficult for squirrels to hang around.
The enduring feeder was first presented to locals at Truro Farmers’ Market Saturday. Hoping to patent his design, Goodwin is currently selling his creation for as low as $20.

Via: TruroDaily
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