Remote-controlled garage openers provide handy solution for convenient driving in/out, irrespective of any weather conditions. But if you keep valuables along with your car in the garage, then let us warn you that your garage security might be at risk. This is because Samy Kamkar, a security researcher, has found a way to hack old Mattel toys and turn them into universal garage door opener.
Kamkar has successfully created a program called OpenSesame that hacks IM Me, Mattel’s discontinued pocket computer for young children to chat with nearby friends. Moreover, a cheap antenna and open source hardware are attached to the toy for catching frequencies of automated garage doors.
A simple IM Me coded with OpenSesame can easily crack any garage door. So anyone can use this universal key to open your garage door in seconds. According to Kamkar, inner workings and codes of this program are quite complex so that criminals cannot misuse it.
But on try a few thousand passcode combinations this device can unlock your garage door. Now security companies must plan for developing more stronger and secure locking system for home and garage. As for now, check out the video given below, showing you how to try this hack yourself.

Via: Wired
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