Smaller is better when it comes to carrying all your camping gear including the cooking stove. But when a product is compressed for portability, it can compromise performance. To bring the best of both into one cooking element, Swedish company Primus has introduced the compact two-burner stove Onja for a better camping experience.
Don’t go on its compact size, the outdoor cooking stove is powerful enough to prepare meals for up to four people. This fully-portable cooking stove can even hold large pots for making desired recipes. It can be compressed in the form of a strap bag for easy carrying to any location- during weekend trips, picnics or camping.
When unfolded, a cooking unit is revealed that also protects its two burners from the wind. The stove is powered by Primus 100 g, 230 g or 450 g canister gas, which is nothing but lightweight cartridges used for backpacking stoves. Moreover, its oak lid doubles as a cutting board or a platform to serve food.
To fulfill all your culinary necessities, the tiny cooking unit comes with plenty of kitchen accessories such as a knife, oak spatula, fork, spoon, stainless steel grater, plates, and pint glasses. Due to all these additional units, your outdoor camping experience is surely going to be much more pleasant and filling.
Primus Onja is part of the company’s new CampFire product range, which also includes another pair of two-burner stoves: Kinjia and Tupike. For more information, you may visit the company’s official website.

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