Camping and hiking are always fun but if you are planning to go off-road you might not find eateries everywhere. The safer plan would be to carry your own containers and food items. But carrying groceries to camping poses a whole different set of challenges. It is really tiring to carry those heavy steel utensils while trekking. Moreover, it becomes difficult for you to accommodate cookware in your backpacks. This is where SimpleReal comes in with the introduction of the first collapsible stainless steel cookware ever.
The container can hold up to 1,100ml of liquid and can be folded with ease. Once folded, the container transforms into a portable, easy-to-stash 3cm disc within seconds. Because of its space-saving feature, you are free to take other essential items for camping.
In addition, the container is also perfectly suited for cooking and storing food items. From tea to custard, soup to curry, the container is completely heat resistant and you are free to cook your heart out. The cookware is sturdy, versatile, and toxin-free. Moreover, it is safe from direct heating and much easier to clean as well. The layered structure of the container allows it to be compacted down when not being brought to use.
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Furthermore, the stability of the steel container is maintained through rigid latches while the removable silicone gaskets are used to ensure watertight sealing. Watertight sealing also makes it possible for you to carry liquid items in the container.
This stainless steel container is the best substitute for plastic and silicone bowls which are collapsible but toxic in nature. As a camping lover, we would highly recommend you to try this SimpleReal container which is currently being crowd-funded on Kickstarter.

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