Ever wished for those replicators in Star Trek to instantly make any meal of your choice? Thinking of the same, Isreali inventors Ayelet Carasso and Doron Marco have created Star Trek-inspired Genie to make instant food preparation a reality. Genie is a compact device that appears like a coffee machine and can prepare variety of meals using pods, just like in coffee makers.
From sweet to salty, it can make almost any dish in 140 gram portions in its recyclable container. All-natural ingredients in these recyclable pods are freeze-dried and have one to two years of shelf life. The machine comes with a smartphone app that activates the cooking process at push of a button.
With single touch on your smartphone screen, the machine becomes your personal ‘genie’ to whip up any desired food. It starts mixing and adding necessary liquids from tubes attached to the back of the compact machine and finally makes perfect food at appropriate temperature.
All thanks to this tiny device, you don’t have to wait for too long to make your favorite recipes. But you do have to wait till its shipping begins, as of now you can preorder it from its official website.

Credit: Israel21C
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