A member of Bored Panda magazine community, Jonathan Miranda Sickmeyer got a 1907 piano free at Craigslist, and after realizing its restoration cost too much, he repurposed the old piano into a fully-functional desk. He got inspiration for transforming it into an elegant piano table from a Facebook post. Even if it was an original antique piece but his meticulous efforts also renewed its life and at present it is a fully-functional vintage piano desk that will stand for generations.
After stripping off the upper/lower front boards, Jonathan epoxy-coated a thick wooden board and polished it entirely so that it can be attached to the key bed as shiny tabletop that perfectly displays your computer and other usable items. He also added some light strings in inner areas of the piano for giving a warm look. And the most important thing in the DIY piano project is cleaning its entire body for a flawless appearance.
Repurposing things is very important for lowering environment footprint, and we should appreciate people indulged in the movement. We all know that everyone does not have the same perception, but as there are lots of people promoting the green culture widely and this guy who upcycled an old piano into rustic work desk, appears one of them.

Via: BoredPanda
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