An outdoorsy wishes to spend most of his time in the wilderness, fishing, biking or just camping. Anyone who loves the outdoors understands that it is not going to be sunshine and rainbows always. Thus, choosing the right vehicle to experience the untamed nature becomes imperative. Thus the newest camper on the block to watch out for is the all-new Overlander by Canadian manufacturer Tufport.
Known for manufacturing truck slide-in units and van tops for over five decades, this time, Tufport expands its existing collaboration with Wasatch Overland, Utah, to deliver custom-crafted camper shell and interiors (RV products) in unison.
The Overlander seems to be a perfect base camp for weekend getaways in a small package. Constructed from a single piece of composite material, Overlander thrives on its all-season, all-terrain camper ability. With the Overlander, Tufport is emphasizing enhancing safety and stability.
The design and construction of this lightweight slide-in camper offer a practical camping solution and eliminate the need for a heavy-duty truck without compromising on quality. The camper is packed with a range of features and benefits that make it stand tall from other similar options available on the market.
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As per Tufport, the Overlander maintains a fully leakproof profile and also serves as an adventure canopy, thanks to the company’s tried-and-true composite-monocoque construction. The inside features dome lights for illumination, cabinet storage, and an over-cab sleeping area, while the fully cored vacuum-infused rear ensures perfect insulation.
The Overlander keeps room for campers and outdoor adventurers to customize it as per their needs since Tufport is not currently selling a complete camper. Inside, appropriate circulation is ensured via roof vents and tinted windows add to the privacy.
Complete with an off-grid electrical system and a 19-L water system, Overlander’s price is not disclosed at the time of writing. However, the slide-in camper is set to roam the roads in Spring 2024. To sign up for the latest updates, visit Tufport’s website.

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