A US-based couple has given up their tedious jobs two years ago to live up the nomadic dream of traveling across America and Canada in a tiny mobile home. To make their dream come true, Guillaume Dutilh and Jenna Spesard spent a year building their tiny home entitled as ‘Tiny House Giant Journey’ before leaving everything behind and hit the road along with their pet dog, Salies.
The 125-square-foot tiny house on wheels is made entirely of wood and designed like traditional homes. The customized two-story house comprises of hardwood floors, cozy bunk bed, bathroom, washing machine, propane fridge and cook-top stove and many other facilities needed for a comfortable living. Interior of the house is very well organized along with ample storage space. The wooden home travels along with them and now serves as their permanent abode.
This amazing couple has been traveling around the US for six months, funding their gypsy lifestyle through photography and writing. As of now, they have traveled more than 10,000 miles, from Los Angeles to New Mexico and Nova Scotia in Canada.
Check out the images given below to find out more about the Tiny House Giant Journey.

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