Voxativ’s latest offering, Ampeggio Due Art Edition loudspeakers, are a new marvel in the acoustic segment. They employ a redefined magnetization based dynamics in its acoustic design to deliver sound output unheard before. The latest high-end product from the house is an outcome of collaboration between Voxativ and Berlin’s famous artist Gabriele Schlesselmann. They are a mandatory requirement for a well decorated living room.
These 47 inch full range speakers have wonderful characteristics that offer an unmatched sound quality. The amplitude frequency characteristics extend up to 25 Hz. The 100 kg speakers run very smoothly and offer a soothing touch to the ears of the listener. The inner design is ultimate with a powerful amplifier helping in further amplification of the sound produced. Due to a versatile acoustic design and depth of 19 cms it becomes very easy to place them on the floor with the help of a matching stand.
The best part of the speakers is that they have been manufactured from a special kind of wood called Tonewood that offers:
• Increased aesthetic touch
• Optimization of body resonance
The housing is provided a sound finishing by using gold leafing on a thin layer of oil and acrylic paints. Voxativ Ampeggio Due Art Edition makes use of only high quality materials that ensures long life and better resonance. Therefore, go ahead and buy them and enjoy your treasured bibliography like never before.

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