Compared to conventional building blocks made out of concrete and other materials, the cantilevered Jug Rock Kayak House is the unusual in different ways. Created by New York-based design studio Hunt Architecture, this single room retreat is extended over a water body in Westport Point, Massachusetts.
It is constructed from wooden planks and effortlessly rests one hundred and fifty feet off the shore of Westport River. Structure of the building is lifted above rock level with the help of a firm wooden platform, overlooking mesmerizing sunset view of the location. Wooden columns not only act as a strong foundation base, but also help to minimize the shelter’s impact on nature.
The small building is raised from the level of rocks and cantilevered over the water, facing the dramatic Westport sunsets. It’s extended towards the river to let the inhabitant interact with surrounding environment. Interior of the tiny home is minimalist, wood furnished along with huge wall glasses to maximize daylight and outside views.
This minimal Westport Kayak House includes library, storage, and elevated bed that lie above entryway. Back in 1932, it was a place for boat house but destroyed by hurricane. Now it is brilliantly converted into an elegant hideout for people, who are looking for a pleasant space to escape the world.
Source: HuntArchitecture
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