After the world tallest building and first climate-controlled city, Dubai is again in news for serving the world’s most expensive scoop of ice cream. The Scoopi Cafe in Dubai is offering a sweet treat to its customers with the Black Diamond ice cream that costs eye watering $817 per scoop. What makes this scoop of ice cream cost nearly a piece of jewelry?
Well, the luxurious frozen dessert is made out of Madagascar vanilla ice cream infused with threads Iranian saffron and few pieces of black Italian truffle to enhance its flavor. To top it all, 23-carat edible gold leaf is added for embellishing the priciest dessert of the world. The founder of the café has prepared this dessert over a five week period and selected ingredients from across the globe to form perfect recipe.
Moreover, the luxury ice cream is served in Versace bowl and spoon, which customers can keep after finishing the scoop. So, you’ll get a fancy dish to take home, if you actually end up paying for the ice cream. Even though the dessert comes with various ingredients from all over the world, but it don’t look too appetizing for such hefty asking price.
Before this, we’ve seen the most expensive doughnut that was made from edible gold and diamonds along with a tempting presentation. But the overpriced single scoop of ice cream has literally disappointed us with both its display and not so appealing ingredients. However if you still have money flowing in your cash book, then you may give it a try.

Via: ABC7News
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