There is a lot of fun in water-based recreational activities. Right from enjoying various kinds of water sports to spending time in houseboats, there are a variety of ways to enjoy the marine environment. You might have seen thousands of camping tents, but if you ever wished to set up your camp on a water body then, US-based outdoor equipment company SmithFly has made it possible with its Shoal tent. It’s an inflatable floating raft with a tent topper to let campers create a floating water bed to stay safe in any kind of weather. This floating camp brings in panoramic views of the outdoors while maintaining privacy and keeping the space protected from the elements.
There is no need for tent poles, as it is totally inflatable and can withstand high winds without any additional tools. Made of fabric, the raft body consists of three air chambers, two in the lower tube and one in the main structure. As of the base underneath, it is a six-inch-thick drop stitched floor that can be used as an air mattress. On the inside, there is sufficient space to accommodate persons up to 6′-3″ tall, but if you are taller than either you can sleep diagonally or rest your head on the tubes.
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All sides of the tent topper can be attached/detached using the on-board hook and loop. With this feature, users can use the top just like a real boat. There are total eight zippers in the floating water tent for easy assembly/disassembly. All the tubes inflate to 3 PSI while the drop floor inflates to 10 PSI. Weighing 75-pounds, the Shoal tent packs down into a burrito roll style travel bag measuring approx. 60″x24″x18″.
The company is providing all necessary things you will need to set up the floating tent. You are provided with a camping kit that includes a storage bag, patch set, and manual foot pump to inflate the tent. For now, Smithfly is selling the floating tent for US$1,499.

Via: MyModernMet
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