There are plenty of luxurious holiday retreats in countless assorted picturesque locations in this world to spend the most precious moments of your life. Some find living in highlands preferable, others prefer coastal areas, while there are also people who like to explore dry deserts. From unlimited possibilities of living, over time everyone finds his/her dream location, just like Harry Seidler who built Berman House on a rocky cliff top of Southern Highlands, Australia as a private residence with stunning mountain views.
This contemporary luxury accommodation is built in a countryside location, therefore it is made entirely from fireproof materials to prevent the structure from bushfires. The cliffside house has open decks and lounges for viewing majestic gorge valleys around the Wingecarribee River.
The opposing curved metal roofs over the suspended living area with floor-to-ceiling glass walls and an outdoor natural swimming pool created by a fabricated wall between two rock cliffs are main attractions of the Berman House. This spacious luxury home consists of two living spaces, small home office, fully-equipped kitchen, four bedrooms and other amenities required for maintaining a modern lifestyle. Its white interiors keep the atmosphere bright and comfy inside; while quartzite floors, granite works and stone fireplaces are other interior design highlights of the house.
The architect-designed luxury cottage also includes plenty of lounges and dining areas with BBQs outside. Rainwater harvesting system is also equipped in the luxury holiday retreat as an eco-friendly addition. One can easily reach here in under 90 minutes by road drive; either from Sydney or Canberra. So if you are planning escaping to a hilly location for this Christmas, you can book the luxury cottage on the average rate for a night between $1160- $1555 at View Retreats.

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