“I declare after all there is no enjoyment like reading!” These were the words of Elizabeth Bennet, Jane Austen’s iconic heroine in ‘Pride and Prejudice’. I couldn’t agree more with her. Life without books would be so dull.

Bookworms out there would second my thought. We bookworms love to be surrounded by the world of our favorite novels. Oblivion to the real kind of appeals to us.

Whether a bookworm lives in a huge house or a more moderate bungalow, showing off the enviable collection to others can well be worth the effort, lending class and character to the home. Even if a bibliophile is living in a small apartment, there are so many different ways to display the books and your love for them.

Imagine a conversation striking with one of your favorite novels or any that you’ve just finished reading, wouldn’t you love it? Duh, obviously.

Every book lover craves for a space for reading and lounging in their home. Now, if your abode allows it, you can create your own fantasy world from the books you are a fan of. There are hundreds of ways in which you can make your home, your room, welcoming and more inviting with books, we’ll touch upon a few here.

Straight out of Fiction

There are thousands of people who are crazy about book series such as the Harry Potter, The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, The Chronicles of Narnia and so many more. Create your Hogwarts at home or get yourself a secret closet from Narnia, build your very own Wonderland.

Image: Artori Design

It doesn’t cost anything to be creative, wave your wand and transform the room into a comfortable and cozy place. It doesn’t have to be your room, it can be any spot in your house; an overlooked corner or the Cupboard under the Stairs. You can also add a stylish throw with fiction inspired bookends.

Also Read: 10 Bookshelf Chairs for the Bookworm in You

Must-Have the Precious Close by

Why keep the book away on a shelf, when you can have them close by? Have your books close to you even when you are asleep. Falling asleep over a book is the best feeling possible. Build an altar of books near your bed or stack them up as a bedside table.

Image: Dorotheum

If you tend to spend a lot of time in the bathroom, and miss being amid the books; you can build a few racks and shelves to keep your printed friends’ insight. The kitchen won’t mind you stacking books in it as well. You must have your precious treasure near you at all the times and having them placed neatly in every possible nook isn’t going to hurt – in fact, it will only add to the attraction.

Image: Homedesigning

Books, Coziness and a Cup of Coffee

The monsoon is here, there is nothing much to do (except to read). Turn that space by windowsill into a comfy sitting area with books stacked up neatly on a shelf or maybe on the side table. Place an ottoman or a huge comforting chair there; grab a book, a cup of coffee and enjoy reading with the melodious music of the raindrops hitting the roof outside. Similarly, the other small neglected areas of the house can be converted into perfectly soothing, relaxing spots where you can just sit back, relax and immerse yourself in the words of charisma.

Also Read: Creative Ways to Decorate Your Home With Old Books

Image: Homedit

If You Have it, Flaunt it

Why hide your books in cartons? Books are not furniture but there is hardly anything that furnishes a house more beautiful. Be creative with your books. Build a table with your books, make use of their striking color combinations to brighten up your home. Put that enviable collection of yours on display with pride. You don’t always need a home library to do it. That shelf on a wall doesn’t have to be boring, add interesting elements to your home décor with books.

Image: Thisiscolossal

The reading areas always should be cozy, warm and soothing. With a pinch of creativity and the help of your printed friends, that can be easily achieved. Every nook and corner can make you want to settle down, grab a book and start reading. Give your home a new, refreshed look with your books. Get down to work then.

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Listening to her grandmother weaving nighttime tales to penning down her own thoughts, Priya developed a penchant for stories and their origin early in her childhood. After her master's in literature, she started writing copiously on diverse topics including architecture, interior design trends, and home improvement while learning the ropes of copyediting. For the past couple of years, she has been crafting DIYs for Homecrux. Reading novels, painting, and baking are her favorites on her long list of hobbies. She also loves to eat, travel, meet new people, learn about different cultures, and listen to stories.

1 Comment
  1. La foto de la chica quisiera saber de donde proviene. Tiene un parecido exagerado conmigo, de no ser porque no he visto un mueble así habría jurado que era yo, no se como podría investigar más
    Si alguien me pudiera ayudar por favor

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