Reading is more than just a hobby for some people; it is a passion. An avid reader will prefer spending his/her weekend with their nose buried in a captivating book rather than going out. However, it takes more than a good book to create an immersive atmosphere. You need a quiet spot in the house where no one will disturb you from getting to know different people and places that realms of literature have to offer. If you want to create a reading nook at home, we have got you covered.

In this article, we will discuss a few ways that can help you curate an inviting and cozy reading zone. You can choose a comfortable place, relaxing furniture, and add some special touches to it. A beautiful glass lamp in the shape of a vase or a statement wallpaper can do the trick and leave you with the desired ambiance to go with your favorite novel. So get creative, plan, and execute!

Image: Sogni Di Cristallo

Pick a spot and curate a comfortable space

There is nothing better than a spare room that can be turned into a small library. Chances of that are pretty slim though, so we will work with whatever space is at your disposal. Reading nooks usually take up a little space. That means you can create one in an unused corner of the bedroom, living room, or even the kitchen. Choose an area that receives plenty of light. We wouldn’t want to strain our eyes now, would we?

How to make a reading corner in a small bedroom?

While bigger bedrooms will not pose any difficulty in letting you curate a reading space, small bedrooms may hit a few snags due to the limitation of square footage. In that case, you can place a chair and a modular bookrack in an empty corner. This way you will have a minimalist space without disrupting the layout or taking up too much area.

Image: Instagram @watermelonprose

Cozy nook in the bedroom

You can always find an often ignored space in your bedroom, which can perfectly be turned into a comfortable space. This way you can catch up on the latest literary hits from the comfort of your bedroom before going to sleep. You can add a comfy chair, a small side table, and a lamp, and maybe a cool ottoman to make it an ergonomic retreat.

Image: Christina Kim Interior Design

Use the closet

If you have a spare closet, turn it into a place for literary escape instead of stashing junk there. With a little bit of creativity and a handful of items, your closet will become more alluring than any other space in the house. Try to fit in a comfortable built-in bench with extra storage space below. You can add a few pillows and lighting for extra comfort.

Image: Instagram @kristen_mcgaughey⠀

Who’s up for a reading by the fireplace?

I enjoy reading by the fireplace, and I am sure, so do many other people. If you happen to be one of them and are lucky enough to own a home with a fireplace, then make it a designated zone to read a few pages or the entire book. You can place an armchair with an ottoman by the fire, throw in a blanket or two, and there you have a perfect spot. You can include a hot cup of coffee, too.

Image: Pinterest

Bookzone under the staircase

By staying under the staircase, you may not receive your acceptance letter to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, but you can enjoy it as a reading zone. We all have that dead space under the stairs. Transform it in one of the most alluring spots in the house by placing a bench, adding suitable lighting, and a couple of throw pillows and blankets, so you and your books can spend some quality time.

Image: Instagram @brookewagnerdesign

Create a window nook

There are so many reasons for creating a sanctuary by the window. First of all, you get plenty of natural light. In addition, they don’t take up much room. You can have a built-in bench by the window, add some pillows and cushions to make it more comfortable. It will evoke a relaxed vibe and help you forget the world around you as you get lost in your latest read.

Image: Instagram @homedesigninginsta
Image: Instagram @feels_home

Also Read: Light-Filled Home With a Reading Hammock, Idyllic for Bookworms

Reading corner essentials

A well-organized corner can become a wonderfully welcoming addition to your home. To do that, you will require a few things paired with creative execution. You can install a lamp, place a stylish flower vase, or employ a statement wallpaper in the zone to make it more appealing.

Pieces for convenience

First of all, you will need a relaxing seating arrangement. You can either get a bench with built-in storage or a posh chair. Add a few cushions, blankets, or throws to make it more snuggly and inviting. You can also include shelves to have your books at arm’s length.

Image: Target

Decorate as you like it

Well, an aesthetically appealing space is preferred over a bland one for cozying up with a book over the weekend. A well-decorated area can include photographs or paintings. Mind you, books can be one of the best decorative materials and you can exhibit your books and other matter by arranging them in an attractive color palette to create visual interest. Plants and flowers are another way to go.

Image: Pinterest

Bathe it in light

A dark, poor-lighted corner will never appeal to you unless you are a bat. Be it artificial illumination or natural light, you need plenty of it to ponder over your books. Make sure that wherever you decide to establish a cozy haven you have easy access to lighting. Even if it is by the window, install a stylish lamp or two as it will be both functional and ornamental.

Image: 1800 Lighting

Outdoor reading sanctuary

Who said that your reading zone has to be inside the house? Get creative and create an outdoor sanctuary where you can read in peace amid the offerings of nature. Moreover, this doesn’t have to be a major overhaul, as you can simply turn to your balcony or backyard patio.

Image: MC Design

Add a few giant cushions, some pillows, and a throw and your outdoor nook is ready. You may want to get a mosquito net to ward off those pesky things from disturbing your binge-reading sessions.

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Listening to her grandmother weaving nighttime tales to penning down her own thoughts, Priya developed a penchant for stories and their origin early in her childhood. After her master's in literature, she started writing copiously on diverse topics including architecture, interior design trends, and home improvement while learning the ropes of copyediting. For the past couple of years, she has been crafting DIYs for Homecrux. Reading novels, painting, and baking are her favorites on her long list of hobbies. She also loves to eat, travel, meet new people, learn about different cultures, and listen to stories.

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