Let’s be honest with each other. We are not workaholics, though we might pretend to be. Play-act to sit in front of a computer screen and typing like there is no tomorrow is something I find really annoying personally, so I usually irk my boss for a break or move to the nearby window to take a breather. But, this is just the beginning of the day, by afternoon, I am more tired, dull and craving a desperate nap.
While my boss may or may not allow me to take a nap between work hours, you certainly can sleep in this napping pod in your office. Presented by a Belgian start-up, WeNap is a cozy little sleeping cocoon that will provide you with a comfortable space to doze off after your day’s lunch. While an office may sound like an inhospitable place to sleep, WeNap functions as a really comfortable microhabitat that would rejuvenate and convalesce your tired body, and start fresh again.
Designed and produced in collaboration with Purelab, the napping pod looks like a dog kennel from the outside but can easily accommodate an adult. For ergonomic support, the pod features a bed to lay comfortably inside. Paolo Capizzi, the founder of the WeNap states, “The napping pod offers zero gravity position. The whole set-up comprises a pod featuring a seat inside. The seat reclines and creates an angle that makes it comfortable for the user to go and sleep.”
The reclining seat provides the necessary support for the lumbar vertebrae and minimizes pressure on the lower back and legs. All this helps in ensuring optimal recovery and employees can be back to work feeling fresh and energetic.
His partner Anthony Koljaj adds, “The idea behind the project is to ensure a nap of 15-20 minutes maximum because after that we would fall into a too-deep sleep cycle.” The cocoon isolates the napper from noise and light. In order to awaken the employees after the nap, the set-up also includes headphones that will not only function as an alarm but also keep them refreshed for work later.
Also Read: Cozy Office PodStudio by David Krynauw Offers Ideal Work-From-Home Setup
The WeNap pod is ergonomic and airy – thanks to holes in the roof which keeps the pod ventilated and fresh throughout the day. In need of some privacy, the users can also add curtains to the entrance which will hinder others from peeking inside. Furthermore, the napping pod is lined with ecologic felt or cork for acoustic insulation. There is plenty of space inside the pod, so one need not feel claustrophobic either.

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